Iris Outdoors Co

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Why I Fish

Columbia is running a campaign right now which got me thinking. Why do I fish?

Is it just the tug of the line, or the sound of a screaming reel? Although I may only be 31 years old, I feel like I’ve already come to a different conclusion of why I fish. It’s not the fish, it’s not the tug, and it’s certainly not the 4am wake up call. I fish for the people I fish with. For the shared passion of seeing and understanding nature on a different level than the rest of society. For the boat jokes and frosty cheers. For the grins that last for hours. For the highs and lows, and for the everlasting memories that can only come from time with others on the water.

The digital world has forced us into sharing every nook and cranny of our outings, but it’s everything in between the physically captured frames that truly means the most. Does this contradict the idea behind the business of Iris Outdoors Co? Maybe yes, but I’d argue the latter. You’ll notice through my portfolio the majority of shots capture almost everything besides the fish we are after. They capture the drive through the Everglades as controlled burns take place, launching the skiff, the 45 minute runs across Florida bay to the first spot, the many types of liquid that fill our coolers and our mouths, the others with cameras in their hands, the birds eye views of docking a 70ft sportfish, and the last casts of the day before the sun sinks beneath the horizon. The fish are just a bonus.

So the next time you hit the water, I encourage you to think of this question in your own mind, and hope you find nothing but pure joy in the reasons why you fish. 

PS. This is NOT an #ad